Author: Rob

15 things customers hate about your website + more marketing links

15 things customers hate about your website + more marketing links

15 things customers hate about your website Why do so many websites feature elements that visitors (that is, potential customers) absolutely hate? Poor user experience can cause high page abandonment rates, low visitor-to-lead conversion rates, poor organic search listing positions, and a bad reputation. Website designers who choose a classified website builder that’s popular  with…

Should your business create a mobile website and other useful marketing links

Should your business create a mobile website and other useful marketing links

What businesses benefit most from creating mobile websites? Thanks to the continued and sustained exploding growth in consumer adoption of tablets and smartphones, there is an uptick in “mobile first, desktop second” business strategies. Are there certain types of companies that can benefit more than others by retooling for mobile? Consumer-facing businesses stand to gain…

Landing page optimization tips and other useful online marketing links

Landing page optimization tips and other useful online marketing links

Here’s a collection of the best online marketing links from the past week. If you have any you would like to share with us, please let us know! 8 Frequently Missed Lead Gen Opportunities for Your Homepage While most businesses have a website, more often than not, that site isn’t optimized to generate leads. Research shows that 78%…

Kony 2012: lessons for video marketing and other links

Kony 2012: lessons for video marketing and other links

Kony 2012: lessons for video marketers Im just one week, KONY 2012 had been shared more than 7.6 million times on Facebook,  embedded in more than 6,200 blogs, and according to Google News, 4,950 news sources have written stories about the video campaign aimed at bringing a rogue African warlord to justice. The Kony 2012 campaign provides lessons…

Everything you ever wanted to know about online marketing for Local businesses

Everything you ever wanted to know about online marketing for Local businesses

Everything you ever wanted to know about online marketing for Local businesses In the era of the Smart Phone, and when more and more people are using the Yellow Pages as a monitor riser, it’s more important than ever before for Local businesses to master online marketing. Want to learn more about conducting keyword research?…

The 17 R’s of Savvy Mobile Marketing (and more marketing links)

The 17 R’s of Savvy Mobile Marketing (and more marketing links)

The 17 R’s of Savvy Mobile Marketing (Infographic) Many businesses are still asking what mobile marketing is, which means they’re probably also struggling with how to use it to generate leads. If you’re unfamiliar with the potential of mobile marketing, here is a handy infographic: the 17 R’s of Savvy Mobile Marketing Bonus link: How Local Small Businesses…

Video marketing: how to get more views for your YouTube videos

Video marketing: how to get more views for your YouTube videos

Video marketing: how to get more views for your YouTube videos Use video marketing to get more customers by getting more visitors to your YouTube videos. How to create compelling calls to action Calls to action help generate leads (and paying customers) should be used in each and every one of your marketing tactics: emails,…

The continuing growth of Mobile SEO and other marketing links

The continuing growth of Mobile SEO and other marketing links

Mobile SEO growing in importance as web economy set to double by 2016 A recent study indicates that by 2016, there will be 3 billion Internet users around the world, and the global Internet economy will reach $4.2 trillion. Mobile devices such as smart phones will account for about 80% of all broadband connections. From an SEO perspective, this…

12 critical homepage elements and other internet marketing links

12 critical homepage elements and other internet marketing links

12 critical elements every homepage must have In order for a homepage to work, it needs to meet its purpose and contain key elements that attract traffic, educate your visitors, and convert browsers into buyers – the typical internet marketing best practices. Here’s a neat infographic that explains the 12 critical elements every homepage must have. 3…

Usability vs. search engine optimization and other marketing links

Usability vs. search engine optimization and other marketing links

Usability vs. search engine optimization Many people believe that SEO is simply optimizing a website for search engines. In reality, SEO is optimizing a website for people who use search engines.  Likewise, many people believe that website usability is simply making a website easy to use. Easy to use for whom? The developers? Website owners? Web searchers? SEO…