Email Marketing
Email: The Highest-ROI Avenue for Companies Looking to Market to Existing Customers
Loved for its high return on investment and hated for being time-consuming in equal measures, email is one of the most underused avenues we see businesses choose for their marketing.
So what exactly makes email marketing so successful when done right? Well, this statistics roundup by Oberlo puts it best:
- For every $1 businesses spend on their email marketing they can expect an average return of $42
- 81% of small-to-medium sized businesses report relying on email marketing for both customer acquisition and retention
- 49% of consumers have gone on the record to say that they would look forward to receiving weekly promotional emails from brands they enjoy
The proof is in the pudding: companies of all sizes can see phenomenal results if they ensure that they’re sending emails that customers look forward to opening (at a frequency that makes sense!)
How this process gets refined looks different depending on a company’s size, industry, and marketing benchmarks. However, email content marketing strategies that we here at PlusROI have seen succeed include:
- For service companies: educational tips and insights
- For retailers: new arrivals and sales information
- For travel destinations: aesthetic photos and tourist stories
- For software companies: how-to’s and customer testimonials
- For trial users: guidance-focused automated sequences
Looking to convert your business’s emails into a marketing avenue that sells? Reach out today. PlusROI has partnered with everything from start-up email lists right through to multi-million person databases— we work with all major email delivery providers and would love to discuss how you can launch (or manage!) a high-value email marketing effort that supports both your business goals and other existing marketing channels.
Question? Just Ask
PlusROI’s Philosophy on Email Marketing
We here at PlusROI believe that email marketing is best utilized as a streamlined, integrated part of your business’s overall content and search engine optimization strategy: as PlusROI’s founder, Rob, knows from his email marketing career in which he worked with databases of over 1,000,000 subscribers, using email to boost blog readership and newsletter subscriptions can yield jaw-dropping results.
Quality content is critical, always. We pair this with an efficient and organized creation and deployment process in order to maximize your company’s ROI potential.
Email Marketing and Newsletter Services Include:
PlusROI’s Email Marketing Service Accompaniments:
- Content marketing and blogging
- Social media marketing
- Search engine optimization