New Victoria BC healthcare directory is a one-stop resource

A new Victoria BC healthcare directory is a one-stop resource for anyone who has been in a traffic accident, is living with a chronic condition, or who wants to improve their performance.

Sponsored by our friends at Victoria lawyers Dinning is intended to be a one-stop, comprehensive directory of “complementary care ” healthcare professionals and practitioners operating in the around Greater Victoria, British Columbia, including chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists and more.

The site hosts a lot valuable information regarding the many different treatments that exist in the complementary medical care industry. It will also enable you to communicate with the professionals that interest you, so that you may learn more about their unique services, and contains email links and phone numbers so you can make an appointment right from the site itself.

Victoria BC healthcare directory

The site also features a comprehensive directory of every clinic in Victoria, listing practitioners at each clinic and their specialty.

Lots of video

The site is unique, in that it provides lots of video about the different clinics and practitioners in Victoria.

The site also features all sorts of cool, interactive content – it’s more than just a static directory, and pulls in maps information and updated hours for every single practitioner.


Lots of articles about healthcare in Victoria

A learning centre also provides articles on common conditions, and how to treat them. Articles include:

While there will always be some trial and error in determining what works best for you, is a great place to start to make more informed choices about who to select to help maximize your recovery in the shortest possible time.

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