
Marketing Madness – Top Posts for July 2015

This is part of a regular series of PlusROI posts that provide a collection of links to useful marketing resources and actionable strategies to help you grow your business. Curated by Nevin Thompson (@NevinYYJ).

Case Study: How to Turn Autocomplete Ideas Into Traffic & Ranking Results With Only 5 Hours of Effort

You probably already know that Google Autocomplete can be a useful tool for identifying keyword opportunities. But did you know it is also an extremely powerful tool for turning your website into traffic-generating powerhouse?

MOZ contributor Jamie Press (@jamiepress) has written an excellent case study about how he turned Autocomplete ideas into traffic and ranking results with only 5 Hours of Effort.

Bonus link: How to Increase Your Website’s Traffic Without Any Marketing

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Google AdWords

According to Neil Patel, many customers with buying intent click on Google AdWords ads. Nearly two-thirds of searchers, Patel says, click on Google ads when they’re ready to buy a product online.

This means AdWords is an important discipline that entrepreneurs must master. If you have never run an AdWords campaign before, or if you’re looking for a refresher course, Neil Patel has written an article that will guide you through the process.

Read more.

12 Companies With Superior Content Marketing

Over the past year or so the concept of content marketing has grown from buzzword to a best practice all web marketers must embrace in order to succeed. However, just what exactly is content marketing? And does content marketing actually work for anyone?

To answer your questions and provide some useful tips for your business, Scott Gerber (@scottgerber, @YEC) has created a list of 12 companies that are currently rocking content marketing.

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Infographic: 21 Types of Content We Crave

What content universally resonates with readers? What kind content will your readers never get tired of? What kind of content will motivate your readers to share what they have read with others?

Scott Aughtmon (@rampbusinesses) and the Content Marketing Institute have created an infographic that provides an answer to these questions and more. Read more.

Bonus link: 5 Tips for Writing a Blog That People Actually Want to Read

Infographic: What Is the Ideal Length of Everything Online?

What’s the use of clicks if your audience doesn’t stay on the page for any longer than three seconds? This infographic created by SumAll and Buffer provides useful information about the ideal length of everything from headlines to Tweets to Slideshare presentations.

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15 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Blog Posts (Other Than Facebook And Twitter)

For more aspiring content marketers, the natural first step is to share their content on Facebook and Twitter – but after this, many writers are at a loss.

If all you’re doing is showcasing your blog posts on these sites, you’re missing out on the thousands of potential views that could come from sharing on other platforms. Read more.

The Top 20 Content Marketing Blogs to Read Every Day

If you want to stay on top of trends in content marketing and enjoy an advantage over your competitors, Michael Brenner (@BrennerMichael), former head of content marketing for SAP, has curated a list of his top 20 daily must-reads.

Read more.

What Is Growth Hacking? And What Does it Mean for Your Marketing?

The role of marketing is changing into a discipline that requires a technical background as well as a love of data, creativity, and curiosity. ‘Growth hackers’ are playing an increasingly strategic role to help grow their companies.

But what is growth hacking? To get you started, KISSMetric’s Zach Bulygo (@zachcb1) has compiled 35 resources to help you become a growth hacker.

Bonus link: Entrepreneur and master marketer Neil Patel has also created his own Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking.

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